Students usually thought of financing a post-secondary education might be difficult and overwhelming. It does not need to be always like that, at Protege School, our priority is to assist and provide you with the best possible financial assistance and counselling in support your educational goals.

Contact a Protege School Student Counselor to help you.


Tuition, fees and costs

During the admission process, students are informed of all fees and costs of their chosen program of study. Students can also visit the website of Ministry of Colleges and Universities, Ontario Career Colleges Branch for the approved program fees and costs.

Program tuition fees, costs and length of study for prospective students are subject to change without notice, upon approval from Provincial Regulatory Body. However, this does not apply to student who has already signed a contract with the College.


Financial Aid Assistance

To assist students in applying for government financial aid and other funding options, including OSAP, Better Job (Second Career) programs, Canadian Bank Student Lines of Credit with low-interest rates, and Protégé School Tuition Fees Installment Payment Plans.



  1. Students seeking financial aid assistance can approach the student services office for guidance on available options.
  2. The school will assist in the application process for OSAP, Better Job (Second Career), or other government financial aid programs.
  3. Assistance will also be provided in applying for Canadian Bank Student Lines of Credit with favorable terms for higher education.
  4. Students with no prior outstanding tuition/fees may request a Tuition Fees Installment Payment Plan based on self-reported demonstrated sources of funding from the college, government, or other external agencies. This request must be granted before signing the enrollment contract and/or on a term-by-term basis during which no interest or late payment charges will be applied on the fees covered by the installment payment plan. The length of the installment plan will depend on the program duration as follows:
    • More than 88 Weeks: Maximum 17 installments
    • 56 to 88 Weeks: Maximum 12 installments
    • 35 to 55 Weeks: Maximum 6 installments
    • Less than 35 Weeks: Maximum 4 installments
    • Less Than 16 weeks: Maximum 2 installments
  5. Students may apply for an installment plan over the maximum allowed via the “Request a Tuition Fee Deferral” through the Administrative Financial Aid Office, selecting the category applicable to their situation. This application must be completed before the program’s start date.
  6. Eligibility requirements include:
    • Canadian citizenship, permanent resident, or protected person status with a valid Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN)
    • Age 18 or older
    • No prior outstanding tuition/fees
    • No outstanding unreturned school properties
    • Meeting all academic requirements at the time of the tuition fees installment request


Bank Credit Line for Full-time student

Most of the major Canadian banks offer Student Line of Credit with low interest rate for higher education.

For more information about this Student Line of Credit, give us a call or visit the bank's website as follow:

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